American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2013, 1(1), 7-12
DOI: 10.12691/AJSSM-1-1-2
Review Article

Essential Oxygen Oil for Treatment of Sport-Related Injuries

John B. Leslie, Robert B. Raffa, Robert Taylor Jr., , Aaron Tabor, Ernesto Muniz, Srinivas Nalamachu and Joseph V. Pergolizzi Jr.

Pub. Date: March 22, 2013

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John B. Leslie, Robert B. Raffa, Robert Taylor Jr., Aaron Tabor, Ernesto Muniz, Srinivas Nalamachu and Joseph V. Pergolizzi Jr.. Essential Oxygen Oil for Treatment of Sport-Related Injuries. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2013; 1(1):7-12. doi: 10.12691/AJSSM-1-1-2


Sport-related injuries to amateur and professional athletes are responsible for about 10% of emergency department visits and for acute and chronic treatment in a variety of other healthcare settings. Many sport-related injuries involve muscle and joint-tissues such as tendons and ligaments. Clinicians may be understandably reticent to treat such musculoskeletal injuries with systemic analgesics and might opt for topical analgesics for localized rather than systemic pain relief. A novel product, essential oxygen oil (OxyRub™ essential oxygen oil, CreoMed, Naples, FL), has been previously clinically tested in a variety of non-athlete patients. It has been available as an over-the-counter natural massage or comfort oil in Europe for over a decade and has recently become available in the United States. This paper reviews several pilot trials conducted in Europe (and other reports) involving the use of this topical analgesic in top athletes. Competitive athletes are frequently injured, sometimes severely, and typically cope well with pain. Thus, this population is an important one for the evaluation of a topical analgesic product. The essential oxygen oil worked well and was well tolerated.


essential oxygen oil, pain oil, topical analgesic, sports injury


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