American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2014, 2(5A), 10-12
DOI: 10.12691/AJSSM-2-5A-3
Original Research

Comparison of Maximal Aerobic Power between Adolescent Boys and Adolescent Girls of the Northern Central Zone of India

Badshah Ghosh1,

1Department of Physical Education, Panskura Banamali College, Panskura, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India

Pub. Date: August 13, 2014

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Badshah Ghosh. Comparison of Maximal Aerobic Power between Adolescent Boys and Adolescent Girls of the Northern Central Zone of India. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 2014; 2(5A):10-12. doi: 10.12691/AJSSM-2-5A-3


The present investigation was undertaken by the investigator is an attempt to compare the Maximal Aerobic Power between Adolescent Boys and Adolescent Girls of the northern central zone of India. The subjects for this study were a total of 2010 subjects viz. 1005 boys and 1005 girls. 1005 boys and 1005 girls belonged to three age categories i.e. 12 to below 14 years, 14 to below 16 years and 16 to below 18 years of age. Thus, each age group of boys and girls consisted of 335 subjects. The subjects of the study were selected at random. Only healthy adolescents were selected on the basis of teacher’s appraisal. The selected physiological variables was considered important for research because it will provide us a true picture of cardiovascular endurance in general and VO2 max in particular of adolescent boys and girls in north central zone. To compare the Maximal Aerobic Power between Adolescent Boys and Adolescent Girls o north central zone of India, the Descriptive statistics and ‘t’ test was used. Descriptive statistics and‘t’ test was calculated. The average values of Maximal Aerobic Power of Boys: 12 to below 14 Years (18.10±1.79 ml/kg/min), 14 to below 16 Years (26.07± 2.80 ml/kg/min) and 16 to below 18 Years (37.09±3.24 ml/kg/min) respectively. The average values of Maximal Aerobic Power of Girls: 12 to below 14 Years (17.54± 1.98 ml/kg/min), 14 to below 16 Years (25.10± 2.84 ml/kg/min) and 16 to below 18 Years (35.78± 3.12 ml/kg/min) respectively. The present study reveals that significant difference exists between adolescent boys and adolescent girls at different age group (i.e. 12 to below 14 years, 14 to below 16 years and 16 to below 18 years of age) in relation to maximal aerobic power.


maximal aerobic power, oxygen uptake, adolescent


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